Acorn Update

BAPTISM ORIENTATION—SUNDAY, July 14, 2024 – after second service—11:15
Farmington Lutheran Church welcomes all people to the life-giving waters of baptism, regardless of membership. If you’re interested in having your child baptized, or if you yourself are interested in being baptized, sign up for this Sunday’s orientation class HERE.

We're excited to share that our youth ministry team is launching a new ministry this fall designed to help high school students with the college process. All high school students and their parents are welcome to attend! Sessions will be most helpful to those going through the 12th grade college application process. Click the flyer link below to learn more and to sign up.
College Bound Seminar Flyer

One or two people to go to the Target store north of Farmington (on Pilot Knob Road) at 7:00 am on Saturday mornings to load boxes of produce, bread and meat. A van or truck is needed to deliver the boxes back to the Farmington Food Shelf by 7:30 am where they will meet other volunteers at the Tiger Learning and Legacy Center located at 510 Walnut Street in Farmington. The food is then weighed, sorted and stored by the volunteers. The volunteers are usually done and finished with this task by 8:30 am. The commitment we are looking for would be once per month. If interested, please contact Karen Brownawell at 651-356-2980 or Training is provided.

Sunday, July 28
This month the food shelf has requested the following items: Cereal, Mac-n-Cheese, Muffin mix, Brownie mix, Potato Chips (single serve size), Crackers (any type), Tomato paste, Tuna, Soups, Ramen, Instant mashed potatoes, Stuffing, Shampoo, Conditioner

Farmington Lutheran Church will be hosting VBS and KiC ROCKS July 29 - August 1. The Children and Family Ministry team is looking for help from our amazing congregation to help with the snacks and supplies for the week. Please take a look at the list of items needed, sign up for something, and then bring it to the church on or before Wednesday, July 24. Please be aware of the type of item you are signing up for and when it would be appropriate to bring to church. (Please don't bring "fresh" items until right before VBS!) We really appreciate your support of this amazing program for some of our younger members here at FLC! VIEW THE SIGN UP HERE

1. Total pledges through 6/16 (including the $10K match) = $31,267.
2. Total amount received through 6/16 = $28,877.
3. Total number of responses so far = 66.
Allocation of funds received so far:
1. $21,877 deposited into the General Operating fund to help offset a projected $26,000 budget deficit.
2. $5,000 allocated to upgrade the security of and access to our church building.
3. $2,000 ready to be gifted to whatever two community service groups the congregation decides on.

Marilyn Nyberg, Orren Lucht, Roger Wikstrom, Dorothy Noland, Emil Bostrom, Shelly Garner, Larry Walsh, Andy Derner, Shannon Walsh, Ben Farver, Alicia Farver, Sonja Anderson, MaryAnn Rausch, Joan Johnson, Colleen, James and Shawn Engman

Family and friends of Richard Grundler, as they grieve his death
Family and friends of Burt Peterson, as they grieve his death
Shirley Peterson, as she enters hospice
Shirlee Harold, sister of Ron Reierson, facing significant health issues
Lynn Josephson, as she receives treatment for cancer
Marge Lancette, as she receives treatment for lung cancer
Mike Johnson, as he undergoes surgery
Ethan Powell and family as Ethan recovers from a bone marrow transplant
Ann and Dave Garwick, parents of Kirsten Childe
Darlene Johnson, mother of Dawn Albrecht
Richard Grundler, father of Tim Grundler, as he will soon be in hospice

Please also include our active service members: Noah Bigbee, Meredith Gulsvig, Mackenzie Farran, and Mikkel Peterson in your prayers. 

Please continue to pray for our partners in ministry, including our Sister Congregation in Tanzania, Garland Hall Orphanage in Jamaica, & Camp Wapo.

We typically include loved ones on our prayer list for four weeks. If you would like a loved one listed longer or relisted, please contact the office.


Acorn Update


Acorn Update