Music Ministry
The Music Ministry at FLC is vibrant part of our congregation, providing contemporary and traditional music during our worship services throughout the year. There are opportunities for all ages: vocal and bell choirs, contemporary praise bands, brass ensembles, and instrumental or vocal solos. Being a part of a music ensemble is a great way to meet people, connect spiritually through fellowship, and praise God!
Adult Music
Joyful Ringers
Joyful Ringers is a handbell choir for adults and young adults (high school age and older) that meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm in the choir room. Led by Karissa Dennis. Join us in making a joyful noise unto the Lord!
Sanctuary Choir
Sanctuary Choir is our largest musical ensemble and meets Wednesday evenings each week from 7:15pm - 8:15pm in the choir room. A mixed-voice ensemble, Sanctuary Choir welcomes singers in all voice parts (sopranos, altos, tenors, and basses) with or without singing experience. Singers in this group provide music for worship on Sundays twice each month. Selections represent a variety of musical styles and genres. Join us on Wednesday evenings during the program year! Led by Karissa Dennis, Director of Music Ministries.
Praise Band
Praise Band is open to singers and instrumentalists high school age and older who meet throughout the year to prepare contemporary music for Sunday worship services. Musicians in Praise Band can expect to commit to a weeknight rehearsal ahead of weekend worship once or twice a month. This is a great experience for singers/instrumentalists. Instruments include guitar, bass guitar, and drums. If you are interested in playing or singing in Praise Band, contact Karissa Dennis below!
Children & Youth Music
Sonshine Singers
Age Range: 1st through 5th Grade
Days/Times: Wednesday Evenings 4:45 - 5:30pm
1st-5th graders are welcome to join SonShine Singers! It’s a fun musical opportunity led by Sara Lindell-Woody and Stacey Bannick. Students will learn songs, preparing musical offerings for worship regularly. Your child can participate in both SonShine Singers and Alleluia Bells if interested. Contact Karissa Dennis with questions.
Alleluia Bells
Age Range: 4th through 8th Grade
Days/Times: Wednesday Evenings 5:00 - 5:30pm
4th-8th graders are welcome to join Alleluia Bells, no experience necessary! It’s a unique, fun, musical opportunity! Students will learn the basics of ringing and will prepare musical offerings to ring in worship once a month. If your child is in PreCon, they can still join and will be excused early to attend rehearsals.
Youth Band
Age Range: 7th through 12th Grade
Days/Times: Wednesday Evenings 5:30 - 6:15pm
The band meets on Wednesday evenings during the program year and leads special worship services during the year.
Special Music
Pipe Organ
FLC's new pipe organ was installed in October, 2016. We had an amazing Organ Dedication Concert in May, 2017. The well attended concert was an extraordinary display of musical talent by Erich Knapp and Karissa Dennis, and was a great showcase of this beautiful instrument!
Special Music
Musicians of all ages are welcome to share their musical gifts in worship throughout the program year and during the summer. If you are interested in playing or singing during a worship service, or if you have questions about becoming part of one of our many musical ensembles, please fill out the form below!