You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, his generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus.  Philippians 4:19, MSG

How marvelous it is to have a God who graciously and faithfully meets our needs! And what a gift that we, as God’s people, get to share in that work. The people of Farmington Lutheran live with purpose and use their gifts so that more and more of our neighbors are inspired to say, “This is just what I needed.”

As a congregation we’re on a mission for all people to know God’s amazing love. We live out this mission as we carefully, prayerfully listen to the needs of others and then work to meet those needs.

What Do We Need to Meet More Needs?

While we celebrate impactful ministries and strive to increase efficiency, we live with the challenge of not having the time and resources to respond to other critical needs.

When FLC staff focuses on meeting urgent pastoral care needs, or reorganizes to prioritize youth and family ministry, they run out of time to meet other needs. With your increased financial support and partnership, we will be able to devote more staff hours to addressing these needs, and to equipping volunteers to do the same.

Increasing offerings by $75,000 will replace this year’s Close the Gap giving, avoid a budget deficit, and ensure our ministries are fully funded.

We Need to Know We Belong

In baptism we hear God’s loving assurance that we are treasured members of God’s family. It’s easy to lose sight of this promise. In 2024, more people will find a sense of belonging through:

  • Expanding small group opportunities

  • Developing an online picture directory

  • Offering Sunday morning intergenerational Bible Study and Faith Conversations

  • Providing First Wednesday Meals as a place to connect with supportive community

We Need to Know Our Story

Knowing our story as God’s people gives us the tools we need to notice how God is at work in our lives. At FLC, more people will learn their story through:

  • Offering more Bible studies, including a morning version of Brewed Theology

  • Developing our podcast and other virtual resources to meet spiritual needs at any time/place

  • Adding Youth & Family staffing hours to support middle school and senior high ministry

  • Devoting more pastoral time to Adult Faith Formation

We Need to Know Our Purpose

As Christians, we are a people who are called to serve. Many people at FLC have indicated a desire to volunteer or help others without knowing exactly how or where. We will help more people will find their purpose by:

  • Recruiting, equipping, and coordinating volunteer and service efforts

  • Expanding our caregiving efforts and providing additional training for more volunteers

  • Growing our feeding ministry, pursuing a partnership with Loaves and Fishes and/or developing a Meals on the Go program

  • Providing Peer Ministry or other leadership training for youth and youth volunteers

Appeal Goal for 2024: Increase Offerings by $75,000

$15,000 Knowing We Belong: Expand Ministries of Caregiving and Connection

$15,000 Knowing Our Story: Bible Study and other Spiritual Resources

$15,000 Knowing Our Purpose: Engage in Ministries of Serving

$30,000 Sustaining On-Going Ministry, Program and Operations

Together, as we respond to the invitation to live generously, we will reach the goal for 2024.

Your Joyful and Generous Participation Will Help Reach Our Goal of $75,000 In New Gifts in 2024